Transforming Limited Space


A logistics park, was developed to offer warehouse space, serving as a regional hub for food products. This facility aims to enhance storage and distribution efficiency, supporting the local food industry and contributing to the region's economic growth.

Challenge Statement

Challenges Faced By The Customer

  • Required 300,000 sq ft of area: 225,000 sq ft for ground storage of pallets and 75,000 sq ft for staging and value-added activities.
  • Only 150,000 sq ft of area was available for lease.
  • Needed a solution to meet storage requirements and retain the customer.

The Solution

  • Executed a G+2 tier mezzanine with ECO board flooring on 75,000 sq ft of floor space at a cost of 8.6 crore INR.
  • Left the remaining 75,000 sq ft of floor space blank for staging and value-added activities.
  • Designed the solution to accommodate Hand Pallet Truck (HPT) movement for pallet storage.

Benefits to the customer

  • Increased storage area threefold while still providing ample marshalling area.
  • Enabled better negotiation margins on leasing the available space.
  • ECO board flooring optimized costs and ensured low noise operation.
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